LADYJERKS won the Cine Fern Award for March 2021
16. April 2021
Glad to have won the Cine Fern Award for Best Documentary with the short doc film Ladyjerks.
13. Dezember 2020
It was a pleasure for us to be at Tonali Saal and had the possibility to show two incredible episodes of the Silence Song series within a beautiful happening and for this to co-work again with Anna Zirwes, Bess Barkholt Andersen, Catalina Rueda, Carla Genchi, Kuno Seltmann, Micheal Sontag as members of the Silence Song Crew as well as Dong Zhou as a guest performer. Many thanks to the Tonali-Team! And thank you for all who were coming to enjoy the show, so shortly before the second lockdown, as...

24. Oktober 2020
I'm proud to present the poster from Manon Lambeens for Silence Song, the film. It has been an interesting process and progress of poster-making!
11. September 2020
Glad to announce that Manon Lambeens did develope the Silence Song Poster for the short film series ,C- a´´´(Silence Song).

28. März 2020
Mit Vorfreude sind wir gespannt auf die kommenden Monate, in denen hoffentlich ab Mai endlich richtig in der Postproduktion losgelegt werden kann und der Film im September fertig ist!
28. März 2020
Danke für das wundervolle Jahr 2019 mit schönen Ausstrahlungen! Thank you for the wonderful year 2019 with beautiful screenings!

16. November 2019
In New York form 10th to 11th there is a great inspiring event we join!
01. November 2019
Auf Grund der Covid-Krise auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben! News folgen.

17. Februar 2019
I have that vision, that Silence Song shall become known international. Therefor I want to publish the small booklet about the film in different languages! I´m so proud, for the first translated form into Japanese language!